Tell your story about ASF

Sharing your story is important to improve ASF control. Field experiences offer real community insights into what works or not to control the disease. Your story may help someone make better decisions or support others who are facing similar problems.

Please tell us your story in your own words. You can mention, for example:

  • what happened,
  • who was involved,
  • what you learnt,
  • What you would do differently or recommend to others,
  • Etc

When completing the submission form online, you will be asked to select the type of cooperation you are posting about. See the examples below to help you select the most appropriate theme:

  • Disease prevention and control: how to deal with farm waste, activities to control wild boars or keep them out of a village or farm, best practice guidance about transportation of animals, a brochure you help develop with pictures of ASF clinical signs for early detection, or a veterinarian’s experience with ASF.
  • Disease awareness and training: your experience after undertaking training on tagging pigs for traceability, your story about improving on-farm biosecurity (what did you do, how did you do it, etc), what to do if you find signs of the disease on your farm.
  • Feed and other on-farm support: Offer of animal feed as safe alternative to swill feeding, advice on farm biosecurity risks and management options to prevent/control ASF.
  • Outbreak response: What happened when ASF was identified on your farm.
  • Other: Any other posts about ASF.

Access the form to submit your story:

Please limit the main text to 3000 characters maximum.

Your story will be reviewed by the platform moderators and shortly after that, it will appear in the “Stories from the field” in the Community Stories area.

We strongly encourage you to include pictures, video links, or PDF documents to illustrate your post. Please send any of these via email (including the story title as reference) to: