June 10, 2024
WOAH Terrestrial Animal Health Code Chapter 15.1. Infection with African Swine Fever virus
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WOAH Terrestrial Animal Health Code Chapter 15.1. Infection with African Swine Fever virus

Purpose: The Terrestrial Animal Health Code (the Terrestrial Code) provides standards for the improvement of animal health, animal welfare and veterinary public health worldwide. These standards should be used by Members to set up measures for the prevention, early detection, reporting and control of pathogenic agents in terrestrial animals (mammals, reptiles, birds and bees), including zoonotic agents. Implementation of there commendations in the Terrestrial Code ensures the safety of international trade in animals and animal products, while avoiding unjustified sanitary barriers.

Last updated: 2023

Publisher: World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)


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Evaluation of Selective Culling as a Containment Strategy for African Swine Fever at a Vietnamese Sow Farm

This study aimed to evaluate the consequences of selective culling as currently implemented in Vietnam.
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Survival of African swine fever virus in feed, bedding materials and mechanical vectors and their potential role in virus transmission

Survival of African swine fever virus in feed, bedding materials and mechanical vectors and their potential role in virus transmission

The objectives of the project were to: to assess the duration of ASFV survival in plant materials and to assess the role of mechanical vectors in ASFV transmission.
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WOAH Terrestrial Manual Chapter 3.8.1 African Swine Fever (Infection with African Swine Fever virus)

WOAH Terrestrial Manual Chapter 3.8.1 African Swine Fever (Infection with African Swine Fever virus)

The principal target readership is laboratories carrying out veterinary diagnostic tests and surveillance, plus vaccine manufacturers and regulatory authorities in the WOAH Member Countries. The objective is to provide internationally agreed diagnostic laboratory methods and requirements for the production and control of vaccines and other biological products. .
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