June 21, 2024
The ASF-Free Farm in the Midst of an Outbreak
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The ASF-Free Farm in the Midst of an Outbreak

Years ago, I visited a village ravaged by African Swine Fever (ASF). Th evillage, which was characterized by family run small farms, with around 20 pigs per farm, relied heavily on the regional sale of meat and meat products for their livelihood. When ASF swept through the village it was devastating. Every farm got infected - except for one.

What made this one farm immune to the virus while all others succumbed? Curious to unravel the mystery, I spoke with the family who owned the farm. They said they didn't really know why they weren't affected. But they said that they might do a few things differently, a few things they stick to and which might made the difference:

  1. Restricted Access:     Only the farmer and his wife were taking care of the pigs and were allowed     to enter the barn. No exceptions.
  2. No Kitchen Waste:     They strictly avoided feeding their pigs any kitchen waste.
  3. Changing boots:     They always changed boots before entering the barn.

These three simple rules kept ASF at bay, protecting their pigs while the virus decimated surrounding farms. This remarkable case demonstrates that a few straightforward measures, rigorously enforced, can effectively shield against devastating diseases like ASF.

Key Takeaways:

  • Restricted Access:     Limit barn entry to essential personnel only.
  • Strict Hygiene:     Implement basic biosecurity measures, such as changing boots.
  • Consistency:     Adhere unwaveringly to established rules.

This family's story is a powerful reminder that sometimes, simplicity and diligence are the best defenses against infectious diseases.

Author: Klaus Depner, Friedrich Loeffler Institute